Novo Star Management Systems Solutions India Pvt Ltd. its Directors, Managers, Staff and others involved in the Certification of Organisations fully understand the importance of impartiality in undertaking its Certification Activities.
All personnel, internal and external, and committees of Novo Star are required to act impartially. Novo Star does not involve itself in any form of consultancy or other activities which might jeopardise impartiality or result in a conflict of interests.
To supplement in-house resource Novo Star employs Associate (sub-contract) auditors and sometimes has working relationships with overseas business managers. At no stage does Novo Star outsource its audits to management systems consultancy organisations, outsource its certification decisions, or link its marketing activities with management systems consultancy. Novo Star retains full control of all decision making processes regarding granting, maintaining, renewing, extending, reducing, suspending or withdrawing certification.
Novo Star continues to evaluate the risks associated with its operations in India and overseas to ensure it can meet liabilities associated with its certification activities. A comprehensive risk analysis is maintained and reviewed annually.
An impartiality committee has been formed to oversee the activities pertaining to impartiality. The certification process and the risk analysis document is reviewed and improvements made were applicable.